..and even toiletries...
... here's mommy's reciept from Alberston's tonight... She spent $60 and saved just over $80. But that's nothin'! Last week, we went to Alberstons to stock up on Lean Cuisines (I went with her!)
... here's the result... (remember, there are about eight missing already!!)

By the time it was all said and done, she had only paid 80 cents each for them. If you know anything about the cost of these... you'll know that's CHEAP. (Mommy and Daddy both take their lunches to work every day- so she was excited.) The cashier and the lady behind us in line were even taking guesses at how much Mommy saved. (She spent less than $40 and saved $106) Anyhow... I wanted to share with you my Mommy's insanity. At least we're prepared to stay home in the event of an ice storm, tornado, illness or Obama presidency. And no, Mommy won't buy products we won't actually use. She has found we'll eat/use different brands, but there are many things we DON'T buy- even if they're great bargains... cause we'll never use them. I should have Mommy take a picture of all the FREE items she gets! That's cool. Weird? Maybe just quirky. I love her anyways.