Sunday, November 29, 2009

Finally! Halloween Pictures

Here are a few long lost Halloween pictures! Friday before Halloween, Mommy wasn't going to have me wear a costume to school... but then she remembered this cowboy t-shirt. One thing led to another, and by the time I left the house, my props included a water gun, stick horse, cowboy hat and bandana.

For our church celebration (Fall Fest), I dressed as a train conductor.

I played lots of games at Fall Fest... but I was kind of on the moody side. It didn't help that it was hot outside. Later, after trick or treating, I ended up with a fever and stayed home two days from school... so that might explain my less-than-desirable Halloween mood. I had fun despite all of my minor setbacks.

More Baby Drew

Mommy took a couple more of Drew... he's three days young in these pics.

Drew's Homecoming Day

These pictures are from the day baby Drew, my cousin, came home from the hospital. Mommy thought she'd lost them, but in reality she had the disk in the wrong drive. (Imagine that!) I wanted to share with you just how much I love my baby cousin! Plus- now we out number Ashtyn! BOYS RULE!

Thursday, November 26, 2009


BOOMERANG (not the Express this time!)

Yesterday, I met Ash, AL and Baby "Doo" (aka Drew) over at this bounce place called Boomerangs. We had a fantastical time together! Just look at all we did!

This ship was the biggest slide in the place... and we went up and down all by ourselves! (And up and down, and up and down, and up and down...)
Mommy held Baby Drew for a while- but he likes his Mommy better.
I absolutely adore Drew. I love to pet his face very gently.
Ash had fun! Look at her go.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Picture of other kids...

Mommy took some pictures for our friend Jennifer this past weekend. Here are some of our favorites of the red head boys, Luke and Anderson.


Well... mommy lost some pictures! At least she thinks she did. I wanted her to finally update this blog with pictures of me and Drew... and of Halloween... but the CD she "saved" them to won't open, and for the first time ever- she didn't save them directly to the computer! So... I have ONE picture from Halloween to share.