Thursday, August 28, 2008

Mommy's Classroom

While we visited Gram and Grandpa this summer, I got to attend my first VBS. Mommy looked around the church at all the Hawaiian decorations and thought... "hummm... this would look cute in my classroom." Miss Tammy helped Mommy a lot by printing stuff and donating her own pieces to the classroom. Many other people at FHBC contributed too. Here are some pictures. I'll let Mommy describe. ...

Classroom Entrance. Notice all the sand under the board... the front lab table is covered in sand, too. BTW, the entrance looks better with the door open.
(below) Desk area. Since the walls are nasty pink... the more that we can cover, the better!
Student Lounge/ Computer area... leading to lab closet. This was my desk area for the past two years...
Looking from the front corner to the back of the room. The blank area in the back is used for my overhead. We play swat in SS so I don't use a screen.
I still have more to do... but this will do for now. Thanks to everyone who helped!!

What a difference a couple of years make!

A couple of years before I was born, my Mommy and Daddy started attending Harvest Church. Not long thereafter, they joined a newly forming small group led by Chris and Anna L. The L's opened their home up twice a month for Bible study and Fellowship. This is where my Mommy and Daddy met some of there dearest friends. Well, about a year into Life Group, Chris and Anna moved to East Asia to serve as IMB Missionaries. This past Sunday, Chris and Anna came back to Harvest for a short visit (they'll be heading back on the field soon.) Here's a picture of Mommy and Daddy with Chris and Anna the weekend before they left. (Notice I'm no where in the picture... this was BEFORE me!)
Here's a picture of the original Life Group this past Sunday. The Lowe, Slate, Porter and Friend Families! I was so excited to finally meet Chris and Anna. You can follow the link to their blog "The Lowe Down" to the right.
Here I am getting Lovin from Anna.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Redneck Gangsta

Daddy was getting ready to mow the lawn with his do-rag on... and I wanted one, too. So the chest and shirt don't exactly "go"- who cares?! I'm the REDNECK gangsta!

Waterpark in Pictures- last visit before school starts

Go straight to Jail. Do not pass go, do not collect $200.

On Mommy and Daddy's way home from Galveston, they stopped in Huntsville at the Prison Museum. They love to watch "Lockup" on MSN after I go to bed, so evidently they were excited to go to the museum. I'm gonna let Mommy Explain the pictures.
(above) Prisoner made Monopoly game. (below) artwork done by a skitsophrentic inmate who claimed he had no artistic ability.
Last meal request by inmate prior to execution. Click to read the entire thing- it's actually kinda funny at the end.
SPARKY! Enough said.
Daddy in Jail
LOCKED UP- "Jailbait" haha.
The big prision...
This was a sign on the road as you ENTER one of the Units. We got a good laugh.
Two inmates walking. We drove by this unit several times because there were inmates out on the yard. Evidently this is a very LOW security unit... look at the nice fence keeping them in. I rolled down the window and waved to these guys. The guy on the left was nice enough to wave back. So... from him... "HI!"

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Time with GranNanny and Grandad

Mommy and Daddy went to the beach without me!! Can you believe it? Little did they know how much fun I'd have without them. I got to stay at GraNanny and Grandad's house and they took me all sorts of places.
I didn't even puke on the Merry go Round.

GraNanny is a book worm and she's turning me into one, too!! Look! I'm already hording books.
Reading the morning paper with Grandad.
I'm a one man band. I LOVE music and really sounds in general. Maybe I'll be a drummer or other musician someday.
Thanks for letting me stay with you, GraNanny and Grandad! I had so much fun... I LOVE YOU!

Monday, August 18, 2008

Playtime at Mickey D's

Well, we got some pictures loaded... one at a time, VERY slowly. This was last week. Mommy took me to have dinner at McDonald's with Janine and Brant. Janine and Mommy teach right next door to each other. They even have a SECRET passage that connects their rooms- okay, so truly it's the Science lab supply closet, but shhhh... don't tell their students. Janine knew me before I was born! Brant is almost exactly a year older than me. This was our FIRST playdate. Good thing Janine brought her camera, because Mommy forgot.
I went straight for the video games... but Brant was WAY up top in the skybox. He sure is a great climber! Maybe I can keep up with him this time next year!We had such a great time! Thanks for having dinner with us Janine and Brant!

Technical Difficulties

Well, loyal readers, you'll have to be patient. Mommy can't get pictures uploaded. I've had a busy last week of summer break, though. Tomorrow is my first official day with my new babysitter since Mommy has to go back to work. My tube surgery went well, I was just a bit mad when I woke up. Who can blame me, really? Anyhow, we'll try to get pictures up soon.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Dedication Sunday

Today I got to go to BIG church. I wasn't actually very happy about it. I had to wait in the back and didn't hear most of the music... and that's my favorite part. Anyhow, I went up front with Mommy and Daddy and got introduced to the church. I was REALLY wiggly and cried a few times just so I could get my sucker. (SUCKERS!) Then Pastor Bill said a prayer for me and Mommy and Daddy. Pretty much the same stuff all you readers out there are probably already praying for me... that I will come to know Christ at a young age.... that Mommy and Daddy will raise me in the right way (and not get on my nerves to much)... you know. I think it's super cool to know lots of people pray for me.
Me and Mommy and Daddy... then getting introduced to the church. I kept waving at Pastor Bill.
Me- on the BIG SCREEN!
Look who all came to see me! (Grandad and Grandpa couldn't come because they had to preach, but we know they wish they could have been here.) (Semi-circle from L to R outside): Aunt Leslie, Todd, Krista (they're my Aunt and Uncle too but they don't like it in their name. Uber cool.) Daddy, AL, Uncle Bobby, Grandma the Great (inside semi-circle): GraNanny, Gram, ME!!, Mommy, Ashtyn, Grandmother Great
Porter PEEPS
Mish-Mosh Mommy's side.
Me and the LADIES... Ash, Reese and Rylee
All our family came over for lunch after church. Ashtyn and I entertained the crowd.