It only took 8 million pictures to get a couple where I wasn't leaning backwards, screaming, pouting or Mommy/Daddy was looking at me and not the camera. We had no luck on a family picture later in the day... so this is what you get... us against a white wall with a Peep in my mouth.
It's still puzzling to me the significance of the diving board... but in this family, it seems to be the only place to take pictures- regardless of the scenery in the background. Pose after pose- all the great grand kids. One family, then another... then grandparents... then, yup- MELTDOWN!!
Cousins on the diving board... Ash was in Louisiana with her Daddy's side of the family.
Our "Boys Rule!" Picture (maybe next year there will be another boy?!?! We'll see when AL has her sonogram in a few weeks!)
... and of course, it wouldn't be Easter without Paw Paw getting into trouble!!