Tuesday, June 23, 2009

River Rats

Well... I finally joined the "River Rat" club... evidently, both my Mommy and my AL are lifetime members, so Ash and I are legacies... hehe. We went down to Gram and PawPaw's house for a whole week and went swimming every day. These pictures are from the first day when I wasn't so fond of swimming in general. By the end of the week I was doing MUCH better... I gotta make the grandparents work for it, ya know?!

Mommy made me include the below picture just to show that sometimes, I look just like my PawPaw. Of course, she thinks that other times I look just like my Grandad... so who knows! At least in this pic we both have the same expression... I guess PawPaw perfected it. It's called
"the DUH!"

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Happy Birthday Daddy...

... From your Naked Cowboy!! Mommy couldn't post pictures as a naked Cowgirl, so you'll have to settle with me. :) I LOVE YOU DADDY!!

Monday, June 1, 2009

Everybody was "Dump-ster Di-vi-ing!"

Have you ever heard of "Dumpster Diving"? Well, I learned that a certain two year old (ole' muah) can benefit greatly from this Po' Man Hobby. Note new toy below... one girl's trash (sorry Ash- the barbie table was torn) is another boys' treasure!!