Look at the size of my KIDS meal! I got weinerschnitzel with saurkraut, rotkohl and potatoes.

Mommy's meal is very traditional. One of her host moms made this meal for every special occassion. Rolladen, Rotkohl, Potatoes (though these are mashed, not salz) and spaetzle- which is more Hungarian than German (at least where Mommy lived, no one ate it.)

Now- these meals all look very HEAVY. They ARE!! Just remember, according to Mommy, these are special occassion meals. Most of the time, people eat bread with cold cuts, butter and cheese.

CHICKEN DANCE TIME... again, this is an American creation, but OH WHAT FUN!

This lady played the SAW!!! Really cool!

Well, tell your Mommy and Daddy "HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!!"
Pop and I lived in Germany longer than Mommy--and this is not a food I missed. Jagerschnitzel--now that is wonderful!!--along with some apfelsaft.
That looks like heavy food to me, but I guess once a year is not too bad. "HAPPY ANNIVERSARY"........
Thatcher, it is OK to celebrate with Mommy & Daddy. Take every opportunity for a "celebration". Did you eat any of that kid's meal? None of it looks appetizing to me!!
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