Monday, December 31, 2007

So many new toys!!!

I have so many new toys, I just can't seem to play hard enough. Take a look!

I go from one toy to another... And then look for more toys... By the time I find a new toy, I get distracted by all the toys...
I leave a mess behind in my wake!But, I shall find another room to distroy!!

PS- cute new outfit compliments of the Stephensons... it rocks! I'm SUPER CUTE!

A Picture for AL

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Sunday Morning... Stuck in bed.

...But first, Saturday night... cheering Daddy on!
So Sunday morning, Mommy went to check on me. I was all tangled up in not just my blankie- but all tangled up with the BED, too!
It was real cute when I was sleeping....

But then I woke up and discovered I was STUCK!!! HELP MOMMY! QUIT TAKING PICTURES.
Note- No child was harmed (much) in the making of this blog.

Friday, December 28, 2007

Mommy's been playing with her new camera.

And I'm the test subject! Stop the flashing lights already!!

Christmas Morning, cont.

Well, our Christmas morning started really early... after we opened gifts as a family, Grandad and Granannie came over. So did Leslie, Todd and Krista. We opened gifts and ate brunch. There were lots of gifts under the tree... and lots for ME!!

I liked the wrapping paper... but tissue paper is even more fun! I got all sorts of new toys.
Me and Grandad, Aunt Leslie and Granannie. (Granannie changes her name back and forth from Granny to Nana to Nannie... so I just started calling her Granannie.)

We all had a great time!

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

SANTA came to visit me!!!

I must have been a REALLY good boy this year... well, for the past 10 months at least... because SANTA came to visit me last night! He brought me a Little Leaps learning system, a game, some cars, bath toys and some gerber wheels. I opened gifts from Mommy and Daddy this morning, too. Take a look!
Crawling to see what Santa brought....
WOW! My game system.

Look at all this cool new stuff from my stocking!

Mommy must have been super DUPER good this year. Santa brought her a new fancy camera.
Santa even brought Rudy some treats. I tried to get him to share with me, but Daddy wouldn't let him.
I used Daddy's credit card to order my Mommy this perfume that you can't buy in the United States. It's her favorite smell.
Daddy got more golf shirts.

Look... the best gift! ME!

I finally got some balls! (no pun intended)
MERRY CHRISTMAS! Love, Thatch (and his Mommy and Daddy)

Monday, December 24, 2007

Christmas Eve Jammies

Tonight is Christmas Eve. We went to the candle light service at church and then out to eat with my friends, Rylee and Reese (their parents Brad and Dee Ann were there, too.) Evidently it's Christmas tradition to have Mexican food on Christmas Eve, so we went to Rosa's. The Slates came over for dessert and Rylee, Reese and I played HARD together. It was late for me, but I had so much fun. When they went home, we opened one special Christmas Eve gift... new jammies for everyone! Here are some pictures of our new Jammies. Tonight SANTA comes!!! My new penguin jammers.

Mommy and Daddy got new Jammies, too.

Visions of sugar plums dancing in my head!!!

My pre- Christmas... Christmas!

Since I'm staying up "North" for my first Christmas, Gram and Grandpa came into town and we celbrated Christmas this past weekend. Friday night, we went to Laura's basketball game and then Mommy, Daddy and I spent the night at Grandmother's house. Saturday morning we went over to AL, Bobby and Ashtyn's house to celebrate. These pictures are kinda in order- except for the family pictures that we took mid-afternoon after Ashtyn and I woke up from our naps. Everyone thought we'd be better since we were well rested... but you can look for yourself at how great it went. It's not MY fault Ashtyn cries when I hit her. It's no MY fault I got sick of posing! Anyhow- we had a lot of fun. I wish it was Christmas everyday. Mommy and Daddy said that tonight is the night SANTA comes to visit! Check back for more pictures later on, 'kay?!

As you can see... we kind of melted down there towards the end. (above)
LOOK at all the presents! We ran out of room- there were even more in bags in the guest room! Mommy says I need to be very thankful... there are some little kids who don't have anything to open this Christmas. (below)
With our stockings from Gram and Grandpa

I prefer the gift receipts, actually.

Ashtyn is FINALLY a bow head!
Konked out (above.)
Ready for round two of opening presents (below)


We had so much fun opening gifts. Thank you God for sending your son, Jesus to be the PERFECT gift of all. If it weren't for him, we would have nothing to celebrate. Thank you for sending him to be born in a manger and die on the cross to save us from our sins. Everyone- please pray for me now... that someday when I'm big enough to understand... I, too, can accept God's free and perfect gift. Happy Birthday Jesus.